Saturday, September 2, 2017


The news today reports that a key government adviser has warned that recycling initiatives could add to global warming rather than reduce it. Better to play safe and put your faith (and money) in antiques. As this shop in the New Town points out, it's 'part of the largest recycling trade in the world'.
Babzy has tagged me to reveal 6 details about myself. As a shy Scot, this feels strange, but here goes!
1. My ideal comfort food is green lentils and olive oil. (yes, I know it's weird. My family tells me that.)
2. I am very slowly learning to play the classical guitar.
3. I wrote a doctoral thesis on the second longest book in a Latin or Cyrillic language (A la recherche du temps perdu) and added in the complete works of Flaubert for good measure.
4. Every time I step on skis I injure myself, so I've given up.
5. The city I would most like to revisit is Turin.
6. The place I would most like to visit in the world is Svalbard. Followed by Tierra del Fuego. Followed by the Queen Charlotte Islands. Oops, that's three.

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