Friday, November 11, 2016

Loretto Chapel

My plans for today was to head to Santa Fe, visit with a friend there, and tour by bicycle. First stop the CGHiggins Candy Shoppe. Plan was to park the car and bike from there.
Weather was being a bit "iffy" this morning. While mt visit at the candy shop, it was sunny/cloudy and calm/breezy. Walking to the car for a calendar, I was breating pretty hard (guess the added altitude was getting to me).
After a cup of coffee and candy purchases, I drove into the plaza area of Santa Fe. Abandoned the plans pf cycling around town. Temp was 37 - a little chilly. The one thing I wanted to see was the spiral staircase at the Loretto Chapel.
I found the chapel and spent the $3 to see the staircase. I will not be able to post a photo for sale as they only allow photos for personal use. Today's photo is the staircase and the read of the chapel.
When I got back to Albuquerque, it was 52 and sunny. A little tired today, so stayed in the room(clouded off again in the afternoon) and rested.

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