Tuesday, October 11, 2016

River Dropping, Lake Rising

The Missouri River level continues dropping. I hear that some sections of the Interstate north of CB are being inspected for damage. It's not pretty. Three months of the river flowing over the highway has taking its toll.
We got word that the CB end og the Bob Kerry Pedestrian Bridge will reopen on Saturday. Plans are to open the bicycle trails on the levees very soon (maybe the weekend?). Sure looking forward to that. There are sections still under water (highway underpasses. Behind the Trails Center, under Harrahs).
Not to mention the clean-up that will be required. I am sure the trail will be covered with muck and silt. Word is that its still Mid October before the river is back to "normal".
Low spot of the Veteran's Memorial trail just east of S 24th St is now dry (though the barricade is still up). Lake Manawa Trail east of the nature trail parking lot is still underwater.
Meanwhile, with all of the rains, the level of Lake Manawa has risen. The entrance and part of Boy Scout Island is underwater (see photo).

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