Monday, February 22, 2016

Basement flair

The New Town of Edinburgh is new in relative Scottish terms. Built between 1765 and 1850, it's an area of gracious neo-classical streets and squares, of townhouses and spacious flats. Very desirable.
When I'm walking through this area I like to look down, into the basement area below pavement level. This is a UNESCO World Heritage site, but it's very much lived-in. I love the juxtaposition of high end property and basic Scottish thrift, above. Why use a tumble dryer when you can put up a clothes line?
And gardening? Just use a basket.

We have several of these wicker hampers kicking around at home. One is in the loft, one in the garage, one at the allotment. I think I should liberate them from their dull storage duties. I'd draw the line at leaving my guitar outside as decor, however.

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