Sunday, June 7, 2015

Edinburgh 19 - Toulouse 14

Time to work off all those deep-fried calories with a game of rugby. Edinburgh played Toulouse at Murrayfield on Saturday, turning in a gratifying win after a desperate season for Scottish rugby in the European Six Nations tournament. Toulouse is in white, which I have never understood as a colour in which to play rugby.

Photos are courtesy of my daughter, who kindly responded to my text plea for some blog fodder.

Instead of cheerleaders before the game, American style, spectators were offered a furry thing in a kilt. I imagine it must have been nicely cosy inside that costume.

The view from my daughter's seat in the stands. My son was also at the match in a different part of the stadium. By dint of some extreme waving they managed to locate each other across the pitch. Family ties, eh?

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