Monday, August 6, 2012

Playing Tourist in our Own Backyard!

At the start of this weekend, we decided we had such beauty in our backyard here that we should play tourist and explore places that the pawrents hadn't even seen for over 30 years! We started at Muir Beach. It is a beautiful little cove of a beach and has always been popular with doggeh owners - a furry special place!
Here... Avalon is showing us that she is not a'feared of the big waves!
And don't I look just totally happy???
"I got the stickie!"

You are such the puppy pest!!!
Here you see... that I gots the stickie... finally!
Gamboling on the rocks at Muir Beach! What fun was that?
Here we are being good puppers, posing on the bridge!
As we exit the parking lot at Muir Beach, we pass the Pelican Inn and... across the street, a super wonnerful stables that you can check out here, if you like:
And the Pelican Inn is a tradition out here: check out their doins here:
Then... we absolutely-tutely had to check out Muir Woods, where we couldn't go, but Momma went for about 20 mins. after not seein' it for about 30 years!!! It was so gorgeous with birdsong and ferns; ginormous redwoods and a creek that was swellin' over its banks.
So special...
As we climbed up the hill to the overlook/ridge, we looked back towards the Pacific... one way.
The other way gave us a view of the Bay and the Tiburon peninsula. What a day!!! Enjoy these vids of us at the beach and of Muir Woods. Hope you had a great weekend!

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