Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Request granted, but who was the last out of the state?

Whomever it was obviously forgot to turn the lights out. I went to Myer at Pacific Fair today (I still had a gift voucher from Christmas) and ended up buying three items -- a shirt, a CD and a calendar. I ended up having to take each one to a different checkout (remember, this is all within the same store), because apparently if you take an item to any other checkout within the store, the machine "goes spacko", or words to that effect. Now just why can't items at a store all be on the same computer program? This situation defeats the whole purpose of having "conveniently located" checkouts, does it not?
I have a new home on the Internet.
Bikejournal (reminds me that I need to update the links section on this page in the near future, maybe tomorrow?). Regular followers of my ramblings over at bikeforums will note that in recent times, my ramblings have dissipated somewhat. Let's just, for the moment (because I don't have time to type out a massive rant right at the moment), say that I have certain issues with the direction in which that forum is heading. Bikejournal seems a much friendlier place right at the moment, and the lower level of traffic that it has makes it easier for someone with my schedule to keep up with things.

I even managed a pleasant ride this morning, down the coast, taking in the pleasant currumbin estuary...

And then out into the valley at Piggabeen (the southern one)...

I guess the concern out here, like so many other rides, will be urban development. Already some of the land around this road has been sold off...

... so perhaps it's one that I'll need to make the most of while it lasts. Maybe I'll do a few night rides down there when I get my hub-generator light.

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